Volvo entering the theatres?

10 10 2012

A few posts ago, I wrote about Volvo product placement in films.
I knew that car brands spend alot of money in advertisement,
but what I didn’t have a clue about, is that Volvo also is involved
in the theatre business.

It began with a trip to Gothenburg, Sweden where the Irish
motor dealer Pat Dunlea attended to the launch of Volvo S80.
At the launch, a theatre was set up for the presentation. The
surprising thing was that all the chairs were the same model as
the car seats. He must have thought they were comfortable – because
somehow he managed to convince the car brand to donate
chairs to the refurbished Town Hall Theatre in Ireland.

Today there are 120 car seats from the S 80 inside that theatre.

What do you prefer;
a sofa, an armchair or a car seat from Volvo S80?