Volvo entering the theatres?

10 10 2012

A few posts ago, I wrote about Volvo product placement in films.
I knew that car brands spend alot of money in advertisement,
but what I didn’t have a clue about, is that Volvo also is involved
in the theatre business.

It began with a trip to Gothenburg, Sweden where the Irish
motor dealer Pat Dunlea attended to the launch of Volvo S80.
At the launch, a theatre was set up for the presentation. The
surprising thing was that all the chairs were the same model as
the car seats. He must have thought they were comfortable – because
somehow he managed to convince the car brand to donate
chairs to the refurbished Town Hall Theatre in Ireland.

Today there are 120 car seats from the S 80 inside that theatre.

What do you prefer;
a sofa, an armchair or a car seat from Volvo S80?

The Amazing Volvo App!

9 10 2012

Lately I’ve noticed that alot of companies publish
applications to the smartphone. It is very convenient
because when you’re not able to reach your computer,
you allways have a phone in your pocket.

Today, I am writing about the Volvo application called “Volvo On Call”
which looks amazing in my opinion. It is not only simple
and fun, it is very useful aswell.

The first thing I want to tell is that the app is synchronized with
Google Maps. That means you can see where you parked your car if
you don’t remember. If still can’t find it, just press one button on
you phone and your car will start to make some noise and twinkle.


Another cool feature is that you can lock the car through the phone.
If you are you one of those that constantly has to go back and check
if you locked the car, you can just press one button on your Phone screen.


Of course I’m not satisfied with only necessary stuff – I want
cool “not 100 %-necessary stuff” to have fun with. A few of those things are
to see how much gas I have in the tank, for how far I’ve driven
and when I need to change lamps out of order.

I must say that this might be the best application ever created by
anyone of the car brands. Volvo keeps delivering…

Top 5 Volvo songs!

8 10 2012

Let’s turn up the volym because this time,
we are talking about the top 5 Volvo songs on this planet!


To start off we have Everclear’s rock song called “Volvo Driving Soccer Mom”.


Coming right after the 5th place, we have the 4th place.
It is the Swedish composer Eddie Meduza singing “Volvo”.


Ian Felice, one of the brothers from “The Felice Brothers”, has together with Simone
composed the relaxed song called “Your Old Volvo”


At the very honorable number two spot, we hace the American rapper Grynch performing his song
“My Volvo”.!


The moment you all have been waiting for is here, the number one spot of the day. It is time for Marian Call,
an American singer. Her song is called “The Volvo Song”.

Volvos in Robberies!

5 10 2012

Volvo is famous for its high security,
maybe that’s why a lot of thieves use Volvos when they are performing robberies?

To start off we have the biggest cash robbery in British history, the “Securitas depot robbery”. Sadly enough the Volvo S60 was only used to look like an unmarked police car…

But we continue to watch this clip where we see a real car chase. The guys in the Volvo XC90 have robbed the Bank of America and try to get away with the money. But it seems as the robbers did not want the money for themselves, the hurled it out of the window while escaping. This is like Robin Hood 2012 except they ended up getting stuck in the traffic…,

Some people might think that a big car is good for its luggage boot, but there are some robbers who prefer something faster and smoother. In this case we see a Volvo S60. Three armed men entered the Central Coast Federal Credit Union at the main street in Salinas, forced employees to the floor and escaped with an unknown amount of money in a gold painted Volvo S60.

Top 6 films with Volvo cars featured!

3 10 2012

Have you ever noticed the product placement of cars in these films?


To start off we have “Killers” which is a romantic comedy about a girl meeting the man in her life. The only thing is that he appears to be an assassin. In this clip you see a Volvo XC60.


Another love comedy is “She’s out of my league” where a “10 points” nice looking girl fall in love with a “5 points” looking guy. There is a run to the airport where we see a Volvo C30.


In the comedy adventure “My brother the pig” a small boy gets turned into a pig. His family is desperate trying to finding the spell to get him back to human shape. There are alot of Volvo C70 advertisement i this film.

My Brother the Pig Poster


Three American comedies in a row and it’s time for a French, dark thriller called “Lemming”. In Lemming (the Cannes opening film 2005),
the Volvo v50 was used alot.


On the honorable second place we have the Twilight series. The Twilight saga is about Bella, a normal girl, falling in love with a vampire. In all films out yet we can se alot of Volvo advertisement. In the second movie called “New moon” you see Edward driving around in a C30 and XC60.

 New Moon (Twilight 2) Poster


At the first place we put “The Route V50” . It is a film starring Robert Downey Jr with a massive product placement of Volvo V50. The plot is about Robert searching for a place called Confidence. On the way there he finds different versions of himself. It is a short film really worth watching.


Top 10 celebrities who drive a Volvo

1 10 2012

Here is a list of 10 celebrities who drive or have driven a car manufactured by Volvo:


First off we have the American actor Paul Newman. After his death four years ago his car collection was up for sale which included a Volvo 950.



Sven Göran Eriksson, the Swedish football trainer who coached the English football team for several years drives a Volvo XC90.

 (Sven approves)


Then we have Jeremy Clarkson, one of the three hosts of Topgear UK. He drove a Volvo XC90 but sold it because it was too expensive.

2013 volvo xc90 f34 ns 90611 717 2013 Volvo XC90


The second man on the moon, Buzz Aldrin looks happy driving his Volvo C70.


As we can see, one of the richest men in the world, Ingvard Kamprad, founder of the swedish Ikea, drives an old Volvo 240.–man-founded-Ikea-worth-pound-15bn.html


The American singer Avril Lavigne also drives a Volvo XC90.

2013 Volvo XC90 Front Side 588x392 2013 Volvo XC90


The american tv host and comedian David Letterman drove a Volvo 960 back in the days.



It seems to be a popular chocie among celebrities to buy the xc90 model since we can add the american actress Jennifer Garner  to the “Volvo XC90 ownership list”.


Believe it or not, but the grunge legend Kurt Cobain drove a Volvo 240. He was a very careful driver and he believed that this was the safest car you could buy.



The famous football striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic recently moved to PSG, likes Volvo aswell but prefers the C30 version.